Bachelor of Theology  Course List

Total Required Credit – 140


First Semester
ENG 101 English 1
BTH 122 Introduction to the Old Testament
BTH 123 Introduction to the New Testament
BTH 124 Church and women
BTH 112 Pauline Epistles / 3


Second Semester
ENG 102 English 2
BTH 161 Introduction to Education
BTH 226 Christian Ethics
BTH 142 Four Gospels
BTH 202 American History


Third Semester
BTH 109 Introduction to Philosophy
BTH 142 Four Gospel
BTH 202 American History


Fourth Semester
BTH 143 Prison Letter
BTH 144 Gospel of John
BTH 131 Institution Christiania Religions
BTH 401 Samology


Fifth Semester
BTH 106 English Literature / 3
BTH 109 Introduction to Philosophy / 3
BTH 207 Church History 1 / 3
BTH 351 Introduction to Pastoral Care / 3
BTH 114 Introduction to the Bible / 3


Sixth Semester
BTH 108 Public Administration / 3
BTH 363 Christian Education Ministry / 3
BTH 221 Systematic Theology / 3
BTH 227 Church History 2 / 3
BTH 146 Preaching Practicum / 3


Seventh Semester
BTH 131 Introduction to Music / 3
BTH 147 Survey of World Religions / 3
BTH 339 Biblical Theology of Missions / 3
BTH 345 Evangelism and Church Growth / 3
BTH 222 Systematic Theology 2 / 3


Eighth Semester
BTH 110 Educational Research / 3
BTH 151 Counseling / 3
BTH 115 Christology / 3
BTH 237 Christian Worship / 3
BTH 204 Spiritual Gifts and Ministries / 3


Total Credit Hours / 140

Master of Divinity Course List

Total Required Credits – 90


Old Testament
OT314 Pentateuch
OT315 Psalms
OT316 Prophets
OT317 Wisdom & Psalms


New Testament
NT415 Four Gospels
NT416 The Acts of the Apostles
NT417 Common Epistles
NT418 John Letters
NT419 Revelation
NT420 Romans
NT421 Prison Epistles


Systematic Theology
ST610 Introduction: Doctrine of God
ST611 Anthropology Christology
ST612 Doctrine of Christ
ST613 Soteriology Ecclesiology
ST614 Pneumatology Eschatology
ST615 Institution Christiania Religions 1
ST616 Institution Christiania Religions 2


Church History
CH510 Ancient and Early History of Church I
CH511 Medieval and Modern History of Church II
CH512 Reformation History III
CH513 기독교와 세계 종교


BI210 New Testament Hermeneutics I
BI211 Old Testament Hermeneutics II


Practical Ministry
PM111 Apologetics
PM112 Missiology
PM114 Pastoral Counseling
PM117 설교학 I
PM118 설교학 II
PM119 Introduction to Education
PM120 Samology


선택: 6 credits (any PM course)
​RP750 Thesis

Master of Theology Course List

Total Required Credit 30


Old Testament

OT813 Advanced Israel Studies 

OT814 Advanced Old Testament History

New Testament

NT813 Advanced Comparison of Synoptic Gospels

NT814 Advanced New Testament History

Systematic Theology

ST812  Advance Systematic Theology

ST813 Doctrine of Sanctification

ST814 Theology of Romans


AP820 Existentialism and the Christian Faith

AP821 Conflicts within Christianity

Practical Ministry

PM814 Pastoral Counseling

PM816 Church Leadership

PM818 Advanced Homiletics

Thesis (6 Credit Course)