We believe in one God. Creator and Lord of the universe, the co-eternal Trinity; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary death on the cross, rose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven where, as truly divine and truly human, He is the King over all and the only Mediator between God and Man.
We Believe that the Bible is God’s authoritative and inspired Word. It is without error in all its teachings, including creation, history, its own origins, and salvation.
We recognize the sovereign oversight of God in the providential preservation of the text of Scripture, and, thus, we receive the existing manuscripts as reliable representations of the autographs, the original manuscripts. Christians and all people are called to submit to the divine authority of the Bible in all matters of faith and life.
We believe that people are born in sin and cannot see the Kingdom of God except through the new birth. Justification before a holy God is by grace alone, through faith in Jesus Christ.
We believe in the one holy, universal, and apostolic Church. Its calling is to worship God and to witness concerning its Head, Jesus Christ, by preaching the Gospel among all the Nations and by demonstrating its commitment to righteousness and justice on behalf of all people.
We believe in the necessity of the Holy Spirit for the individual’s new birth and growth and the for the Church’s continuous renewal in truth, wisdom, faith, holiness ,love, power, and mission.
We believe that Jesus Christ will personally and visibly return in glory to raise the dead and bring salvation and judgment to completion. God will fully manifest His Kingdom when He establishes a new heaven and new earth, in which He will be glorified and will exclude all evil.
Our main purpose is to nurture pastors, missionaries, evangelist, and lay ministers who believe the Bible as the word of God and preach the gospel. In addition, to equip them with the proper teaching for the necessary stewardship ready for the local churches and leaders, to help promote building the local church by providing essential knowledge and proper spirituality for church services. To this end, we believe we have begun with the pledges of professors and supporters who have both skill and spirituality equivalent to top professors within our area to meet up to God’s necessary designing of the school system.
Educational Philosophy
ERTS Theological Seminary has a mission to serve the Gospel and local churches for the sake of the Bible, only Christ, only faith, only grace, and glory to God (Five Sola). Accept applicants who agree with theology and creed.
Eligibility requirements for applicants are not limited to denomination, race, nationality, gender, and physical disability. Admission registration and procedures are all available at or by contacting the coordinator at the seminary office.